Wildland Fire / Air Quality Tools

This page provides links to the most recent versions of tools produced by the U.S. Forest Service PNW Research Station's Pacific Wildland Fire Sciences Laboratory in support of the Wildland Fire Air Quality Response Program and wildland fire operations. 



Real-time ground monitoring information  

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Still in development, access is restricted  

Shows fine particulate (PM2.5) pollution data obtained from air quality monitors and sensors.

Historical ground monitoring information  

Track COVID and air quality across the United States 

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R-package for working with air quality monitoring data  

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Short (6-18 min) training videos on the basics of satellite data for smoke and fire, and various web tools.  


Visualize daily smoke forecasts 

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Forecast Meteorological Indices and Analyses for Smoke (8-km, WRF-GFS, western US)
Contact: Jay Charney

Daily forecast analysis of site location potential to reach Arctic  

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Climatology of conditions allowing for transport to the Arctic  

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Climatology of Convective Instability-Seasonal and monthly maps of atmospheric instability 



Forecasts of the Hot-Dry-Windy Index, an indicator of potential adverse weather conditions 

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Experimental fire weather forecasts for the Pacific Northwest at 4 km 

Experimental fire weather forecasts for CONUS at 12 km  


GOES-16 fire detection viewer and data analysis tool. Restricted Access. 

Marine layer diagnostic website 


Climatology of Convective Instability-Seasonal and monthly maps of atmospheric instability 

Seasonal and monthly maps of downburst climatology  


BlueSky Playground

What's new? | v3.5 Extensive Help

Customized emissions and dispersion modeling. 

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Emission Factor (EF) data repository and analysis tool 

Tool for creating a published smoke outlook. Use is restricted to ARA use only. Authentication required.

[ more info | Training Version ]

A mobile device focused app for determining smoke impacts in your area 

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